Diferencias entre las revisiones 1 y 4 (abarca 3 versiones)
Versión 1 con fecha 2022-03-09 02:09:27
Tamaño: 721
Versión 4 con fecha 2022-04-11 20:02:43
Tamaño: 1799
Los textos eliminados se marcan así. Los textos añadidos se marcan así.
Línea 3: Línea 3:

Línea 10: Línea 13:
 *Aging reframed: Seeing aging as an opportunity in healthcare
March 31, 2022 | Podcast https://www.mckinsey.com/industries/healthcare-systems-and-services/our-insights/aging-reframed-seeing-aging-as-an-opportunity-in-healthcare?cid=other-eml-alt-mip-mck&hdpid=c91d94b2-f34c-454f-9027-73173c4da2a3&hctky=2237191&hlkid=a774e1a8976d4a078406df70a8406fd5
 *In this episode of the McKinsey on Healthcare podcast, McKinsey partner Dr. Pooja Kumar talks to Ursel J. McElroy, director of the Ohio Department of Aging, about a need to change the accepted narrative on aging, the challenges that women in leadership face, and her desire to ensure lessons learned from the COVID-19 pandemic are used to benefit the future of older populations. Prior to leading the Department of Aging, McElroy served as a deputy director within the Ohio Attorney General’s office. The following is an edited transcript of the discussion. An inspiring conversation about aging, women in leadership, and the chance to change the narrative on old age.

Nuevo Mapa De La Vida


  • El nuevo mapa de la vida: seis principios para guiar a las sociedades de larga vida
  • Se deben crear nuevos roles y oportunidades para que las personas experimenten propósito, pertenencia y valor en todas las etapas de la vida
  • La educación es una búsqueda de por vida
  • Trabajar más tiempo ocurrirá en contextos multigeneracionales
  • Dinero. Las oportunidades para ganar y ahorrar deben estar disponibles durante toda la vida para garantizar la seguridad financiera
  • Los avances en la ciencia del envejecimiento deben distribuirse ampliamente en la población
  • La salud física y la prevención de enfermedades son fundamentales para lograr la promesa de longevidad

  • Aging reframed: Seeing aging as an opportunity in healthcare

March 31, 2022 | Podcast https://www.mckinsey.com/industries/healthcare-systems-and-services/our-insights/aging-reframed-seeing-aging-as-an-opportunity-in-healthcare?cid=other-eml-alt-mip-mck&hdpid=c91d94b2-f34c-454f-9027-73173c4da2a3&hctky=2237191&hlkid=a774e1a8976d4a078406df70a8406fd5

  • In this episode of the McKinsey on Healthcare podcast, McKinsey partner Dr. Pooja Kumar talks to Ursel J. McElroy, director of the Ohio Department of Aging, about a need to change the accepted narrative on aging, the challenges that women in leadership face, and her desire to ensure lessons learned from the COVID-19 pandemic are used to benefit the future of older populations. Prior to leading the Department of Aging, McElroy served as a deputy director within the Ohio Attorney General’s office. The following is an edited transcript of the discussion. An inspiring conversation about aging, women in leadership, and the chance to change the narrative on old age.

EnciclopediaRelacionalDinamica: NuevoMapaDeLaVida (última edición 2024-07-07 20:07:22 efectuada por MercedesJones)