Envejecimiento Exitoso
Wen, M. S., Chuang, M. H., & Lin, J. (2024). Quasi-Seniors' Perception, Response, and Planning from the Perspective of Successful Aging. Healthcare (Basel, Switzerland), 12(7), 766. https://doi.org/10.3390/healthcare12070766
- With the coming of a rapidly aging society, individuals born in the baby boom era after World War II are now facing the challenges of aging. From late middle age to successful aging, what are the perceptions and responses of these quasi-seniors? With this in mind, referring to Phelan's successful aging scale, the researchers developed the 4P Strategies (Physical, Psychological, Prospect, and Place and Relationships) tailored for quasi-seniors. Based on grounded theory, the results of 12 sessions of focused interviews (involving a total of 93 interviewees between the ages of 55 and 75; 41 males and 52 females; 48 not retired and 45 retired) were matched with the 4P Strategies. The results were the following: (1) regarding the Physical factor, the interviewees were shocked by their physical decline, and they had begun to devise strategies for health preservation and exercise; (2) regarding the Psychological factor, in order to mentally adapt, the interviewees agreed that moderate stress relief was absolutely necessary; (3) regarding the Prospect factor: the interviewees felt that one should make financial plans early, contemplate the value of life, and more actively learn and realize one's dreams; and (4) regarding the Place and Relationships factor, the interviewees aimed to rebuild their close relationships with their spouses, family members, and old friends and had polarized views regarding where to live in their old age. On the whole, the most discussed issue among the interviewees was where to live in their old age. Many had their own views and plans and did not stick to traditional views; however, they took the opinions of their significant others into account. During the interviews, interviewees wished to understand the responses of their peers to serve as a reference for their own decisions, and they realized that successful aging also required learning. This study aimed to encourage quasi-seniors about to enter their old age and help them to learn how to positively respond to aging as well as work towards a happy life with successful aging. This study could fill in gaps in research involving individuals in this age group and provide a reference for relevant policies.
• Phelan, E. A., & Larson, E. B. (2002). "Successful aging"--where next?. Journal of the American Geriatrics Society, 50(7), 1306–1308. https://doi.org/10.1046/j.1532-5415.2002.t01-1-50324.x
Although researchers have operationalized the term in a variety of different ways, “successful aging” remains a value judgment for many. Beliefs of aging individuals about the meaning and relevance of “successful aging” have not been systematically documented. The face validity of the term, and an empirical understanding of its utility and relevance, could be enhanced if beliefs of the lay public were elicited and compared with and incorporated into researchers’ definitions. Asking aging individuals about the meaning and relevance of successful aging should enrich the theoretical definitions that have predominated on this concept that has potentially high relevance to persons of all ages, allowing a more patient-centered definition of successful aging to emerge. A clearer understanding of patients’ beliefs about what constitutes successful aging should enhance providers’ ability to choose from an array of healthcare recommendations those that are most relevant to their individual patients. A patient-centered definition will also be essential for future research in the field of successful aging, for it will allow determination of predictors truly relevant to persons who are aging. An enriched definition should increase our appreciation of a perspective that has not been elicited in work thus far. Such an understanding is critical to effective provider-patient communication and the provision of health care to an increasingly informed older population. Elizabeth A. Phelan, MD, MS Department of Medicine, Division of Gerontology and Geriatric Medicine Eric B. Larson, MD, MPH Department of Medicine, Division of General Medicine Department of Health Services School of Public Health and Community Medicine University of Washington Seattle, Washington
- Envejecimiento activo y de éxito o saludable: una breve historia de modelos conceptuales- Active ageing and success: A brief history of conceptual models
- Donatella Rita Petrettoa, Roberto Pilib, Luca Gavianoa, Cristina Matos Lópeza, Carlo Zuddasa
- a Department of Pedagogy, Psychology, Philosophy, University of Cagliari, Cagliari, Italy
- b Comunità Mondiale della Longevità, Italy
PALABRAS CLAVE: Envejecimiento activoEnvejecimiento saludableEnvejecimiento positivoModelo de Rowe y KahnEnvejecimiento con éxito
- El objetivo de este trabajo es analizar y describir los diferentes modelos teóricos de envejecimiento exitoso, envejecimiento activo y envejecimiento saludable desarrollados en Europa y en América en el siglo XX, a partir del modelo original de Rowe y Kahn (1987, 1997).
- Nuestra revisión incluyó los modelos de envejecimiento exitoso de autores europeos y americanos. Encontramos modelos que se proponen describir los índices de envejecimiento activo y saludable, modelos dedicados a describir los procesos involucrados en el envejecimiento exitoso y modelos adicionales que hacen hincapié en la percepción subjetiva y objetiva de un envejecimiento con éxito. También describimos las críticas a los modelos anteriores, las modificaciones según Martin et al. (2014) y las estrategias para un envejecimiento exitoso según Jeste y Depp (2014). La necesidad de mejorar el modelo de Rowe y Kahn y otros modelos con una descripción más inclusiva y universal del envejecimiento y la incorporación de evidencia científica sobre el envejecimiento activo son todavía argumentos en discusión.
- La teoría del envejecimiento activo fue un avance en relación al paradigma de la desvinculación, pero la gerontología crítica comienza a sentar las bases de un nueva visión . Lo que interesa es partir del adulto mayor como sujeto personal y colectivo .
- El paradigma del envejecimiento productivo, salud y trabajo
- Dimensión intergeneracional solidaria
- La teoría del envejecimiento activo fue un avance en relación al paradigma de la desvinculación, pero la gerontología crítica comienza a sentar las bases de un nueva visión . Lo que interesa es partir del adulto mayor como sujeto personal y colectivo .
- Successful aging: un enfoque holístico
- Successful aging: A holistic perspective
Carrascosa-Gil, Rocío, Vázquez-Calatayud, Mónica, & Canga-Armayor, Ana Dolores. (2010). Successful aging: un enfoque holístico. Gerokomos, 21(4), 146-152. Recuperado en 13 de julio de 2024, de http://scielo.isciii.es/scielo.php?script=sci_arttext&pid=S1134-928X2010000400002&lng=es&tlng=.