Por ahora incluiremos en esta página una definición que usa la FundaciónCambioDemocrático. Está en inglés pero hay males peores. Si algun@ de ustedes se sienten con posibilidades de traducir estos párrafos los usuarios agradecidos. Sin perjuicio de lo cual podríamos comenzar a pensar cuál es nuestra propia definición de Incidencia Colaborativa respecto del modelo de Incidencia Confrontativa.

Cooperative Advocacy

Cooperative Advocacy is a powerful tool that empowers civil society actors to successfully initiate social change through collaborative action. The process provides groups with the techniques, skills and methodology needed to build coalitions and constructively engage policy makers, business interests and other social sectors whose support is critical.

Cooperative Advocacy differs significantly from more common approaches to advocacy, which use confrontation to achieve advocacy goals. Traditional advocacy approaches identify other stakeholders, such as government or business interests, as adversaries and use confrontational strategies, which often leads to political polarization, gridlock, and inferior policy outcomes. Partners for Democratic Change’s Cooperative Advocacy process builds coalitions around a common cause. Coalitions then learn to engage with powerful decision-makers using collaboration and dialogue to create sustainable policy solutions, mutually beneficial social change and long-term partnerships across sectors. Cooperative Advocacy is particularly important when working with advocacy organizations in a coalition, as it provides such organizations with a new method in addition to confrontational tactics.