

¿QUÉ ES UNA LONGEVITY PLANNER? #MercedesJonesLongevityPlanner

The principles call for ensuring financial resilience across key life events; providing universal access to financial education; prioritizing healthy aging as foundational for the longevity economy; evolving jobs and lifelong skill-building for a multi-generational workforce; designing systems and environments for social connection and purpose; and intentionally addressing longevity inequalities across gender, race, and class.

These are the initiatives we must commit to and work toward together. The demographics require it.

Our social contract was designed in the age of rotary phones, when the average life expectancy was 20 years less than today. In our new smartphone world where longevity is the norm, it’s time to reimagine that contract.

Only then will aging well be a right for all, instead of a privilege for a few.

EnciclopediaRelacionalDinamica: LongevityPlanner (última edición 2024-07-05 01:56:50 efectuada por MercedesJones)