
Sobre longevidad hay mucho para decir: http://longevity.axa.com/en/video_images.php?rubrique=2&video=4

El proyecto Viva la Longevidad!!! parte de la idea de que aquello que parece que es individual vos, yo, algún otra persona, que estamos viviendo o vamos a vivir más años que nuestros padres, es una experiencia personal y al mismo tiempo es un hecho social. Afirmamos que esto que parece ser un tema individual es en realidad una problemática social.

Vivir más años resulta desafiante para algunos y bastante aterrador para la mayoría. La propuesta de generar una cultura del cuidado, presenta el desafío de que también debe ser económicamente sostenible. La sustentabilidad, en sentido amplio, es imprescindible para poder responder y afrontar la "revolución de la longevidad" producto de un incremento de la esperanza de vida y del descenso de la natalidad.


Decidimos encarar estos temas espinosos y comenzar a trabajarlos desde distintas perspectivas. Una idea que surgió con fuerza es romper la lógica racional y desarrollar el relato, el testimonio, el cuento, la narración y el humor.

En la reunión del 20 de febrero 2013 con HoracioVarelaRoca se tocaron los siguientes temas:

Son todos registros que nos muestran la importancia del cuento, del relato, de la posibilidad de poner en palabras lo que nos pasa, cuando no hay palabra poner la imagen y también imaginar aquello que querríamos que sucediera. Tenemos intenciones de entrar el tema de la longevidad tomando como base la sabiduría popular condensada en las personas, sus historias y las leyendas, canciones, creencias de su comunidad. Hablamos de, por ejemplo:

The Longevity Revolution: We’ve Only Just Begun


The longevity revolution has resulted in the equivalent of a 30-year life bonus, according to sociologist William Sadler, director of research for the Center for Third Age Leadership. As a result, older adults are pushing to redefine life’ second half.

For many people, retirement is not a good experience, according to Sadler. "It fails to promote the creative growth possible in the middle and late years," he says.

The problem is that retirement today is unlike retirement in the past. And the over-50s have realized that the "old" retirement doesn’t fit the person they chose to become in the second half of life.

The study appears in the 2006 fall issue of The LLI Review, the Annual Journal of the Osher Lifelong Learning Institutes.

Sadler found that people in their 50s, 60s, and 70s redesign their lives in the third age and make it a time of vitality and fulfillment.

For example, older adults develop life portfolios and third age careers to suit the way they want to live.

Similar to a financial portfolio, holistic life portfolios diversify personal investments: work, love, play, community, selfcare, creativity, service, learning, and spirituality.

Dr. Sadler’s plan for creating a life portfolio includes the following components:

And Ted, a landscape architect, was able to negotiate a half-time position, so that he could continue to contribute his creative talents to the firm and provide mentoring to younger architects. The reduced workload meant he could enjoy family weekends with his three married children and eight grandchildren.

At 70, Ted and his wife still golf and ski, but the big change has been his devotion to drawing and painting.

Growth in the second half of life differs from growth in the earlier stages, according to Sadler. It begins when people start asking probing questions such as, "What’s most important now? What do I want? What kind of future can I plan for?"

While becoming more reflective, study participants who experience second growth, are not afraid to take risks; they experiment and take on new challenges.

Most of these people have experienced hardships and overcome loss. They expect to encounter obstacles. But they have a realistic optimism and are committed to realizing their dreams.

"They turn inwards to get in touch with previously ignored or pushed aside aspects of the their personalities," Sadler says. As a result, they often discover new talents and interests that lead them in new directions.

Sadler says the good news is that the longevity revolution offers "new life options". These include an opportunity for second growth, if it’s planned for.

William Sadler is author of The Third Age: 6 Principles of Growth and Renewal after 40. He co-authored Changing Course: The Cure for Common Retirement, soon to be released.

- See more at: http://aginghorizons.com/2006/11/the-longevity-revolution-weve-only-just-begun/#sthash.IMIGze9a.dpuf


EnciclopediaRelacionalDinamica: RevolucionDeLaLongevidad (última edición 2018-11-29 14:12:31 efectuada por MercedesJones)